8955 Granby Road Granby, VT 05840
(802) 328-2191
Moose River Rock Dodgers was incorporated over 40 years ago in 1972 by a group of determined and hard working people.
The club has come a long way from its beginnings. Roland Copp and his ear muffs grooming the trails with bed springs behind his snowmobile to the Tucker and drag that we have today.
The club is still made up of a group of hard working volunteers.
About Moose River Rock Dodgers
Committed to creating an excellent trail experience.
Zane Cook
210 Mt Tug Road
Granby, VT 05840
Ed Bunnell
PO Box 353
Concord, VT 05824
Membership Chair
Deb Bunnell
8955 Granby Road
Granby, VT 05840
Deb Bunnell
8955 Granby Road
Granby, VT 05840
Deb Bunnell
8955 Granby Road
Granby, VT 05840
Trail Master
Mark Fulton
367 Shores Hill Road
Granby, VT 05840